I 5 migliori giochi come Carcassonne: recensioni, suggerimenti e altro ancora

Uno dei modi migliori per trascorrere una giornata di pioggia è giocare con gli amici e la famiglia. Ma se non riuscite a pensare a un gioco che sia divertente per tutti, allora non cercate oltre: abbiamo trovato cinque giochi fantastici come Carcassonne in base a diversi aspetti, come la complessità, il numero di giocatori, ecc.

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I castelli del re pazzo Ludwig
I castelli del re pazzo Ludwig
Il meglio per i gruppi più piccoli
Se vi è piaciuto Carcassonne ma volevate qualcosa di diverso, Castles of Mad King Ludwig è il gioco perfetto: le tessere stanza aggiungono profondità e strategia, pur mantenendo la facilità di gioco.
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I 5 migliori giochi come Catan: recensioni, suggerimenti e altro ancora

Tutti amano i giochi da tavolo. Catan Questo articolo vi fornirà cinque giochi simili a Catan, in modo che possiate divertirvi con i vostri amici o la vostra famiglia.

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Castelli di Borgogna
Castelli di Borgogna
La migliore alternativa a Catan
Non c'è una lotta per le risorse come quella di Catan, perché la vittoria dipende solo dalle proprie abilità e non dalle azioni (o dalla mancanza di azioni) di qualcun altro.
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5 giochi come Pandemic a cui giocare se non ne avete mai abbastanza

Pandemia is a cooperative board game that challenges you to stop the spread of four diseases around the world. The challenge is tough, with players battling against each other as well as the diseases themselves. To make things even more difficult, sometimes your group will be given cards which can change how you play and win! If you love Pandemic but don’t have enough time for a whole game or if you are looking for something different from it, then this blog post has five games like Pandemic that will keep you entertained and help improve your strategy skills.

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Forbidden Island
Forbidden Island
Best Game like Pandemic
It’s one of the best cooperative board games because it has simple rules and tasks that can be mastered with teamwork!
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How to Play Pandemic: The Role-Playing Board Game

Pandemia is a cooperative board game for 2-4 players. You must work together to stop 4 diseases from infecting the world with over 12 million possible combinations of symptoms, pathogens, and outbreaks. The game takes place in one of 6 different cities around the world: Atlanta, Cairo, New York City, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, or Washington D.C.

Players travel between these cities trying to find ways to cure their respective diseases while also developing cures for other epidemics that are happening at the same time. This post will show you how to play Pandemic!

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Pandemic Board Game Review: Challenging and Strategic

Pandemia is a board game that takes two to four players on an epic fight against the global disease. As members of the World Health Organization, your team will travel around the world in order to find cures for 4 different diseases before they get out of hand and wipe out humanity! This game tests your teamwork skills while also requiring some strategic thinking. It’s one of my favorite tabletop games, but might not be for everyone.

Rilascio September 4, 2017
Giocatori 2-4
Tempo di gioco ~45 min
Età 13+
Genere Strategy
Marchio Giochi Z-Man
Produttore Publisher Services Inc (PSI)

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Settler of Catan Review: Explore the World of Trading and Building!

Colonizzatore di Catan is a game that was first published in 1995 and has since sold over 22 million copies. It’s an award-winning board game for 3-4 players, and it’s been translated into many different languages. The goal of the game is to settle on the land, build roads to connect settlements together, and produce resources such as wood or brick. With more than 50 expansion packs available, Settler of Catan offers hours upon hours of gameplay!

Rilascio April 23, 2015
Giocatori 3-4
Tempo di gioco ~ 60 min
Età 10+
Dipartimento Giochi di strategia e avventura
Produttore Catan Studio

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How to Play Catan: A Guide for New Players

Whether you are a seasoned pro or new to the game, Catan can be an exciting and fun experience. This guide is designed to help players of any skill level learn how to play Catan! It will cover everything from set up to victory conditions.

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Recensione di Dominion: un gioco di strategia a cui non si può resistere

Dominion is a game that has been around for over 10 years and it’s still popular today. It is the best-selling card game in history! Dominion was originally designed by Donald X. Vaccarino, but the company Rio Grande Games has published many expansions to this original design since they took ownership of it about 5 years ago.

Rilascio October 3, 2016
Giocatori 2-4
Tempo di gioco ~ 30 min
Età 14+
Genere Tactical game
Marchio Rio Grande Games

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La migliore espansione Pandemic: qual è la versione migliore per me?

Pandemia is an award-winning game designed by Matt Leacock. It has been played over 15 million times and translated into 30 languages.

Are you a fan of Pandemic? If so, then you should be considering getting one or more expansions for the game. The best expansion is not always clear to people, but there are some factors that can help narrow down your choices. In this article, we will discuss the different versions of Pandemic and how they compare to each other.

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Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Blue Edition Board Game
Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Blue Edition Board Game
Best Pandemic Expansion
If you’re looking for an intense cooperative board game where everyone wins at the end, then this one should be on your list!
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La migliore espansione di Catan: quale comprare?

Una delle cose migliori di Catan La caratteristica di questo prodotto è che può essere espanso, ma quale espansione comprare? Ci sono così tante opzioni diverse disponibili per l'acquisto al giorno d'oggi. In questo post del blog, forniremo una lista delle nostre espansioni preferite e vi faremo sapere perché hanno fatto la scelta!

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Espansione del gioco da tavolo Catan Seafarers
Espansione del gioco da tavolo Catan Seafarers
Migliore espansione di Catan
L'espansione per il gioco da tavolo Coloni di Catan Seafarer è un'ottima scelta per i giocatori esperti che amano esplorare e costruire.
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