La migliore espansione di Catan: quale comprare?

Una delle cose migliori di Catan La caratteristica di questo prodotto è che può essere espanso, ma quale espansione comprare? Ci sono così tante opzioni diverse disponibili per l'acquisto al giorno d'oggi. In questo post del blog, forniremo una lista delle nostre espansioni preferite e vi faremo sapere perché hanno fatto la scelta!

Scelta migliore
Espansione del gioco da tavolo Catan Seafarers
Espansione del gioco da tavolo Catan Seafarers
Migliore espansione di Catan
L'espansione per il gioco da tavolo Coloni di Catan Seafarer è un'ottima scelta per i giocatori esperti che amano esplorare e costruire.
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Gioco base: Cos'è Catan?

Nel caso in cui abbiate vissuto sotto una roccia negli ultimi 20 anni, Catan è un gioco da tavolo sviluppato da Klaus TeuberL'obiettivo del gioco è creare il proprio impero raccogliendo risorse e costruendo strade, insediamenti, città e cavalieri. I giocatori usano carte risorsa come mattoni o legno per costruire i suddetti oggetti sulla mappa in continua evoluzione. Vince il giocatore che ottiene dieci punti vittoria, che si ottengono costruendo strutture o acquisendo carte sviluppo.

Caratteristiche del gioco

Il gioco è molto aperto e permette ai giocatori di giocare in molti modi diversi: ad esempio, ci si può concentrare sul commercio di risorse con gli altri giocatori o sull'accaparramento delle proprie risorse. In alternativa, si può competere con gli isolani vicini attaccandoli (anche se questo probabilmente porterà a una guerra che impoverisce tutte le parti coinvolte).

La potenziale varietà di strategie lascia spazio a futuri pacchetti di espansione: in questo modo è possibile aggiungere nuovi elementi senza modificare drasticamente il gameplay. Apprezziamo questo aspetto perché garantisce longevità a un sistema di gioco già ottimo.

Uno dei motivi per cui Catan è così divertente è la sua semplicità: non ci sono regole complicate o grandi manuali, ma solo istruzioni facili da seguire che permettono alla maggior parte dei giocatori di prendere in mano il gioco dopo pochi minuti dall'apertura. Questa semplicità è parte del fascino di Catan e del motivo per cui così tante persone si divertono a giocarci.

Catan utilizza anche un generatore casuale di tabelloni, il che significa che ogni volta che si gioca la mappa sarà diversa. Ogni isola ha il suo mix di risorse, il che significa che non ci sono mai due partite uguali!

Il "tabellone" viene randomizzato con diversi lanci di dadi all'inizio di ogni nuovo turno, creando interessanti colpi di scena durante il gioco. Non si sa mai che tipo di terreno o di edifici potrebbero spuntare sulla propria isola! Ogni giocatore inizia con due insediamenti, ma può costruirne solo uno per turno fino a quando non potenzia il proprio insediamento in una città (che gli permette di costruirne un altro). Inoltre, dato che le risorse importanti sono in numero limitato, non è possibile "farne scorta". Questo mantiene il gioco appassionante e rende ogni turno significativo in termini di raccolta di risorse.


L'obiettivo di Catan è far crescere il proprio impero costruendo strutture e acquisendo carte sviluppo. Le carte sviluppo possono essere acquistate utilizzando le risorse, ma sono disponibili solo se si dispone della giusta quantità di risorse o di combinazioni commerciali. Ad esempio: se un giocatore possiede almeno una pecora e un legno, allora il "costo di costruzione" per l'acquisto di una carta strada sarà annullato (perché richiede sia legno che lana).

Un modo in cui i giocatori acquisiscono punti durante il gioco è la raccolta di un certo numero/combinazione di diversi tipi di risorse. Si ottengono più punti vittoria degli altri quando si costruiscono città, perché ogni città conta come due insediamenti in termini di punteggio!

Quando qualcuno raggiunge i dieci gettoni vittoria, vince immediatamente. Non c'è niente di peggio che essere così vicini alla vittoria, solo per avere qualcun altro in vantaggio con un accordo dell'ultimo minuto!

Le meccaniche di base di Catan sono facili da imparare e da insegnare, ma c'è molta profondità in termini di strategia e pianificazione che può essere difficile per i nuovi giocatori (soprattutto per quelli che non amano i giochi che richiedono molto tempo). Tuttavia, poiché si deve costantemente interagire con gli altri giocatori, la vittoria è incredibilmente gratificante! Aiuta anche a costruire le capacità di comunicazione, soprattutto se usato come rompighiaccio tra estranei o grandi gruppi durante le feste o i ritrovi.

Sistema di punteggio

Il sistema di punteggio di Catan è unico perché i punti vittoria non vengono conteggiati alla fine di un round/partita, ma i giocatori tengono traccia dei progressi compiuti durante i loro turni! All'inizio di ogni nuovo "ciclo" (round) ogni giocatore guadagna un punto per ogni insediamento che possiede e due punti per ogni città.

Oltre a queste regole di base, ci sono diversi altri modi per guadagnare punti vittoria aggiuntivi durante il gioco:

  • Scambio di carte con gli avversari - Alcune carte sviluppo permettono agli insediamenti o alle città di produrre più risorse se girate lateralmente, consentendo loro di generare ancora più punti vittoria!
  • Costruire strade attraverso gli esagoni - Se si collegano tra loro diverse aree di terreno, diventa più facile per le persone visitare quella rotta commerciale, aumentandone così il valore!
  • Costruire un monopolio delle risorse - Se avete più di una città/stabilimento su una tessera risorsa, diventa molto più facile acquisire quei beni, ottenendo un ulteriore punto vittoria alla fine!

In conclusione, Catan è un gioco fantastico sia per i nuovi giocatori che per quelli esperti, grazie alla sua curva di apprendimento facile e alle interessanti meccaniche sociali.

Le migliori espansioni di Catan sul mercato

La seguente lista di espansioni sarà discussa nell'articolo. Ogni espansione ha una breve descrizione e poi il motivo per cui è entrata a far parte della nostra top five delle espansioni di Catan preferite. Questa tabella di confronto vi aiuterà a prendere la decisione migliore su quale pacchetto di espansione di Catan scegliere.

Migliore espansione di Catan
Catan Seafarers Board Game Expansion review
Espansione del gioco da tavolo Catan Seafarers
  • Il tempo di gioco medio è di 60 minuti
  • La scheda completamente variabile
  • Molti modi diversi per ottenere punti vittoria

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Il meglio per i fan della serie TV
A Game of Thrones CATAN Board Game review
Gioco del Trono di Spade CATAN Gioco da tavolo
  • Il tempo di gioco medio è di 60 minuti
  • Ottimo per i fan della serie televisiva/gioco da tavolo
  • Un'ottima scelta per chi ama i giochi da tavolo più complessi.

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La migliore espansione di Catan per 2 giocatori
CATAN Starfarers Board Game 2nd Ed review
CATAN Starfarers Gioco da tavolo 2a Ed
  • Il tempo di gioco medio è di 120 minuti
  • Divertente tema fantascientifico
  • Regole ben scritte

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Il meglio per gli appassionati di esplorazione
Catan Explorers and Pirates Board Game Expansion review
Espansione del gioco da tavolo Catan Esploratori e Pirati
  • La durata media del gioco è di 90 minuti
  • Ottimo per chi ama i giochi di strategia
  • Ha una nave pirata

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Best for People Who Like Strategy
CATAN Cities and Knights Board Game review
CATAN Cities and Knights Board Game
  • La durata media del gioco è di 90 minuti
  • Cards have a matte finish
  • Comes with a well-crafted board

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1. Espansione per il gioco da tavolo Catan Seafarers - Migliore espansione per Catan


The Catan Seafarers Board Game Expansion is a great choice for people who enjoy exploring and building – especially on the open seas! The mainboard in this set has several islands which can be discovered via exploration cards. Each island tile requires specific combinations of resources (similar to regular Settlers) but they also include one or more special rules that make gameplay even more interesting!

For example, some tiles let you place an extra settlement/road to earn bonus points at the end of the game while others introduce “random events” such as storms and pirates which interrupt players’ turns by forcing them to roll dice.

Players must use their best judgment when deciding whether it’s worth visiting certain areas because these explorations often come with risk vs reward scenarios.


The Catan Seafarers Board Game Expansion has the same core mechanics as regular Settlers and its expansions: players collect resources, build roads/cities, trade with opponents and try to score more points than everyone else. However, since you’re building on the water it will take some time for people to explore all of those tiles – thus creating a longer playing-time than other iterations in the series!

This is also one of our favorite games because there are few “take that” cards (cards that target specific individuals). While we appreciate these types of interactions occasionally they can be frustrating during long gameplay sessions; especially if someone plays them too often or uses them at inappropriate times (such as early game!). Thankfully this expansion does not include any random events which involve taking resources from other players.


The Settlers of Catan Seafarers Board Game Expansion includes a larger board than other iterations in the series and it also has several wooden pieces to represent ships/exploration tokens. It comes with roughly 40 cards, 16 tiles, and 36 exploration markers which should be plenty for most players – however, you can add more if necessary!

Pro e contro

New board with new mechanics
Exploration is interesting because you're rewarded for taking risks
Molti modi diversi per ottenere punti vittoria
Great components (larger board, ships/exploration tokens)
Somewhat difficult to learn due to its complexity

Giudizio finale

The Settlers of Catan Seafarer Board Game Expansion is a great choice for experienced players who like to explore and build. It’s very rewarding if you can plan ahead because there are many different ways to generate victory points – thus making it difficult to predict the winner!

While we adore this expansion our one gripe would be that some people may find it difficult to learn and play because there are so many new rules/mechanics. That being said, we recommend that you read the instructions carefully before playing your first game – especially if you’re a beginner!

Facilità d'uso
The Catan Seafarers Board Game Expansion is a great choice for people who enjoy exploration and building - especially on the open seas! It has enough similarities to regular Settlers that fans of this series will feel at home but also introduces some interesting new mechanics such as random events/exploration tiles. If you're looking for a more laidback Catan expansion then definitely consider buying this one!

2. Gioco da tavolo CATAN di Game of Thrones - Ideale per i fan della serie TV


A Game of Thrones Catan Board Game is a great choice for fans of the popular TV show as well as those who enjoy more complex board games. It’s very different from regular Settlers because you’re trying to collect resources and build settlements/roads in order to claim victory points which can be found on “power” tiles scattered throughout the map.

This expansion has a lot of strategies involved because you’re forced to decide which areas are most valuable – especially since there’s no trading allowed. Additionally, this game is great if you enjoy games that require more interaction with other players and less luck!


The basic rules of Settlers remain the same; however, you cannot trade resources with opponents. Instead, there are “Power Tiles” which give certain players bonuses or hinder other individuals based on their faction (Stark/Lannister).

This expansion also adds a new type of building: Strongholds! These settlements must be built at least two miles away from the other player’s Strongholds and they cannot be upgraded (similar to Cities in regular Catan).

Overall, we think that this is a great game if you’re looking for something more complex than normal Settlers because it adds interesting new mechanics/strategies. Additionally, it can also take longer so make sure everyone has enough time to play!


A Game of Thrones Catan Board Game includes a larger board, more pieces for each player, and new cards/tokens. It comes with 42 resource tiles (compared to the usual 20), 15 power tokens, 28 castles/strongholds, 38 roads (instead of 32), and some nice cloth bags which help keep everything organized.

For the most part, we really enjoyed how sturdy/high quality each component was which is something that tends to be an issue with board games. That being said, there are a few complaints about specific pieces – such as some of them feeling flimsy or not fitting into their spaces properly. Unfortunately, this seems to happen more often than you’d hope with expansions.

Pro e contro

Un'ottima scelta per chi ama i giochi da tavolo più complessi.
Adds more depth and complexity than usual Catan expansions
More interesting mechanics than standard Settlers of Catan
Ottimo per i fan della serie televisiva/gioco da tavolo
Can take longer to play so make sure all players have time

Giudizio finale

Overall, we think that this Catan expansion is a great choice for fans of the TV show because it takes place in Westeros. The mechanics are also interesting which makes them easy to learn – however, you must be willing to spend more time playing since there will likely be much more interaction between players. If you enjoy games that are more complex then definitely consider buying this expansion.

Facilità d'uso
While A Game of Thrones Catan Board Game is a fun expansion, we think that it's best for people who enjoy more complex board games which have lots of depth/strategy. This game can be especially difficult if you're new to the Settlers series or don't play many strategic board games!

3. CATAN Starfarers Gioco da tavolo 2ª Ed - Migliore espansione di Catan per 2 giocatori


CATAN Starfarers Board Game is a highly rated game that’s different than your usual Catan releases. It can be played with up two to five other players, has more components than regular Settlers, and involves exploring/collecting resources on new planets!

This expansion also includes some nice plastic ships as well as four new types of hexes that feature specific resource distributions. Additionally, it’s recommended for players ages 12 and up which is a bit more complex than the other Catan expansions we’ve reviewed!


Each player chooses a color, takes one of each resource tile (which is larger than usual), and three ships. This version has ten planets instead of six which are placed in random positions on the board.

There are also two types of cards: Exploration Cards and Action Cards. The first give you resources or allow your faction to move – while the second has more complex effects.

We really enjoyed how much there is to do in this game because it definitely feels like an ambitious release that offers a lot of content! The rules are also pretty well-written so they’re easy to follow/understand – however, the cards can be slightly difficult for new players since there are quite a few of them to deal with.


CATAN Starfarers Board Game has very nice-looking components that are also easy to distinguish. I really like the new planets/board, ships, and resource tiles – but there aren’t any major complaints about them either! Ultimately, this is a solid expansion for anyone who enjoys Settlers of Catan

Pro e contro

The resource tiles are larger than usual so it's easier to grab what you need at a glance
Different game mechanics make it stand out from other expansions
Well written rules/cards (although there are a lot of them to deal with)
Fun sci-fi theme is great for fans of the TV show/board game
Can take longer to play so make sure all players have time

Giudizio finale

Overall, we think that this is a nice addition for anyone who enjoys Catan but wants something more complex (and interesting) than standard Settlers variants! It’s also great if you want to play an epic space game where there’s lots of exploration involved. However, it can be overwhelming/confusing for people who don’t play many board games or aren’t familiar with Catan.

Facilità d'uso
This is a great choice if you want something more complex than standard Settlers of Catan - but it's not recommended for people who are new to the series/don't enjoy playing strategy-based board games!

4. Espansione per il gioco da tavolo Catan Esploratori e Pirati - Ideale per i fan dell'esplorazione


As you may have guessed, Catan Explorers and Pirates is another beloved expansion that brings new gameplay mechanics/content to Settlers of Catan. This version is different than the original and has both a new island/board as well as two different types of cards that add an extra level of complexity!

This expansion was created for up to six players, allows you to play with four in case there aren’t enough people around, and can be combined with other Catan releases (like Cities & Knights or Seafarers) if you want even more action.

While we didn’t enjoy this game quite as much as Starfarers because it’s not necessarily our cup of tea – we do think that fans will really like what it brings to the table! It definitely adds another dimension that helps keep gameplay interesting since many Settlers’ expansions tend to feel repetitive after a while.


There are a lot of new mechanics/content in this game which makes it stand out from other Settlers’ expansions. One of the most notable ones is that there’s an actual pirate ship on the board! The idea is to collect treasure maps to find different islands with valuable resources, but you need to be careful because pirates can move around and steal your stuff.

This expansion also adds another type of card called “Exploration Cards” which give you additional action points or allow you to move multiple times – while Action Cards affect everyone at once (i.e., trading salt for all players). We’re not used to playing with these types of cards so we didn’t enjoy them as much, but they definitely add variety if you want something different.

The board is also slightly different – there are three types of resources (food, ore, and brick) instead of two so it adds another level of complexity/strategy when trading with other players!

The game pieces are the same as usual but we really liked how big the resource tiles were since they were easy to grab at a glance. This might not seem like a huge deal but if you’re used to grabbing your resources quickly then it makes all the difference in this expansion!


The board is well crafted, tiles are thick/sturdy, resource pieces are nice quality (and big!), and cards have a matte finish.

We did feel that the rulebook was kind of confusing though – they include lots of different scenarios you can play which makes it more complicated but also less intuitive in our opinion since we’re used to just playing by ourselves without thinking too much about what other people want us to do! We were pretty lost after reading through them so consider looking up online guides or watching YouTube videos if you get confused as easily as we do. Also, note that this expansion isn’t compatible with Seafarers which may be an issue for some players.

Pro e contro

Adds more content to Catan which helps keep things interesting
Has a pirate ship, new resource tiles/cards, and different board layouts
Adds more variety/complexity
Great for people who like strategy games or exploring new territory in Catan
Not very beginner-friendly

Giudizio finale

While we’re not huge fans of Catan, this game definitely makes Settlers more interesting/fun since it adds new mechanics that keep gameplay fresh. This is also great for people who like strategy games or exploring new territories in Catan! The only downside was that the rulebook wasn’t very beginner-friendly so we’d recommend looking up online guides/videos if you get stuck.

Facilità d'uso
This expansion definitely adds more content to Settlers which makes it a fun choice if you're tired of the same old routine!

5. CATAN Cities and Knights Gioco da tavolo - Ideale per chi ama la strategia


This expansion adds a whole new level of complexity to Settlers. In addition to collecting resources, you also have the option of buying knights and cities which help you earn points faster!

While many people will enjoy this type of gameplay since it’s different from other expansions – we don’t think that it added enough content for us personally since we’ve been playing Catan long enough to know what each tile/card does after a while, so having lots more may actually make things worse in our opinion (i.e., less intuitive). For example, if there are too many tiles then players might not be able to remember all their functions without constantly referring back or making notes on paper which takes away from the fun aspect at least for us.


There are a few new mechanics included in this board game. The first is that you can get knights which let you earn points faster – they’re pretty much like gold if Catan were an RPG! There’s also the option of buying cities which give you additional resources or victory points when played, but only one per player since there aren’t any more tiles to place them on.

While we liked how these elements added another layer of complexity/fun to Settlers, it isn’t for everyone so take note before purchasing! If you’ve already got Seafarers then Cities and Knights might not be worth your money unless you really love playing strategy games (i.e., exploring new territories).


The board is well crafted, tiles are thick/sturdy, resource pieces are nice quality (and big!), and cards have a matte finish.

We did feel that the rulebook was kind of confusing though – they include lots of different scenarios you can play which makes it more complicated but also less intuitive in our opinion since we’re used to just playing by ourselves without thinking too much about what other people want us to do! We were pretty lost after reading through them so consider looking up online guides or watching YouTube videos if you get confused as easily as we do. Also, note that this expansion isn’t compatible with Seafarers which may be an issue for some players.

Pro e contro

Cards have a matte finish which makes them nice quality
Resource pieces are big so they're easy to grab
Comes with a well-crafted board, thick tiles, big resource pieces, and sturdy cards
Comes with lots of different scenarios to play which makes for more variety
Not beginner-friendly

Giudizio finale

We’d recommend this expansion if you’re a fan of Catan or strategy games since it has a lot more content compared to other expansions we tried out! This is especially true if the lack of variety is what’s making Catan less enjoyable for you as well – but keep in mind that some people may find the rules hard to follow which makes it more complicated than necessary. Also, make sure that there aren’t any tiles from another board game included in the mix or it won’t be compatible.

Facilità d'uso
While this game definitely adds more complexity to Settlers, it isn't for everyone since you have to think about lots of different strategies depending on the scenario. That being said, if you're looking for a board game that offers something new then Cities and Knights are worth checking out!


The more you play Catan, the less new content is going to excite you. But it’s still fun and worth having in your collection if only for a few games every now and then! While there are lots of different expansions at this point – we don’t think that they’re all created equally which made buying them kind of difficult since some aren’t as intuitive. We’d recommend trying out Seafarers and Cities & Knights if you’re new to the board game!

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