Best Unstable Unicorns Expansion Packs: The Five Funniest Add-Ons

If you love unicorns, then this post is for you! We will talk about five of the best expansion packs that are available in a variety of stores. It’s important to find an add-on pack that adds a lot of content and fun. We hope our list helps you choose your next favorite addition to Unicorni instabili!

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Unstable Unicorns NSFW Card Game
Unstable Unicorns NSFW Card Game
Best Expansion for NSFW Content
The NSFW deck comes with 100 new cards that you can add to the main deck. There are unicorns, actions cards, spells – all in a hilarious adult theme!
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Le 5 migliori espansioni di Carcassonne classificate

If you are a fan of the popular board game Carcassonne, then this is the post for you! Here we will look at 5 expansions that can be added to your existing set. Each expansion adds new rules and pieces so they all have something different to offer.

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Carcassonne Traders & Builders
Carcassonne Traders & Builders
Best Carcassonne Expansion
Traders & Builders is a great addition to add additional depth and strategy for experienced players looking for something new.
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Recensione del gioco da tavolo Carcassonne: un gioco di strategia per tutti

Il gioco da tavolo Carcassonne è un gioco di strategia per tutte le età, creato nel 2000 da Klaus-Jürgen Wrede È facile da imparare, ma difficile da padroneggiare. Vi illustrerò le regole del gioco e vi darò consigli su come vincere!

Rilascio 1 novembre 2014
Giocatori 2-5
Tempo di gioco 45 minuti
Età 7 anni +
Dipartimento Giochi di strategia e avventura
Produttore Asmode
Marchio Giochi Z-Man

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Terraforming Mars Strategy − How Do You Really Win?

We all want to be the first person on Mars and terraforming is a key step in getting there. But how do you win at La terraformazione di Marte? It’s not as easy as it sounds. Terraforming Mars has been out for over two years now, and we’ve seen many different strategies that people use to try and win this game. In this blog post, we’ll cover some of the best strategies for winning Terraforming Mars!

What Is Terraforming Mars?

Terraforming is the process of making another planet habitable for human life. In Terraforming Mars, you are competing with other players to terraform mars and become the first person on that planet! It’s not as easy as it sounds though…

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Chiudere la scatola: imparare a suonare e recensire

Chiudere la scatola è un gioco che si gioca in Inghilterra da oltre 250 anni. Lo scopo del gioco è quello di segnare punti fermando ogni numero su un dado con un solo lancio. Questo blog post vi insegnerà come giocare e recensire questo divertente gioco da tavolo della vecchia scuola!

Chiudere il gioco in scatola Recensione

Shut the Box (noto anche come "sevens") è un gioco che esiste da anni, popolare perché può essere giocato in modo semplice e veloce da adulti e bambini, sia che si tratti di passare il tempo con gli amici o di giocare da soli, questo gioco offre qualcosa di divertente, indipendentemente dal livello di abilità.

La premessa per chiudere la scatola consiste nel muoversi lungo ogni fila, partendo da sinistra verso destra, cercando di accumulare punti fino a quando non ne rimangono in nessuna fila. Se i giocatori riescono a farlo, guadagneranno il doppio del loro punteggio attuale moltiplicato per due, il che contribuisce a rendere le cose interessanti quando il punteggio entra in gioco alla fine del gioco!

Tuttavia, se i giocatori non si attengono a queste regole, perdono automaticamente la partita, per cui questo classico richiede molta strategia. gioco da tavolo.

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Mafia Game: the Ultimate Guide to Playing Games

Mafia is a game of social deduction for 3-10 players, which takes about an hour to play. This mafia game has become very popular in many countries around the world, so it’s time to take a look at what this game entails and how you can get started playing!


Mafia is a party game where you have to play against your friends. You are part of one group that’s trying to secretly murder other players, while the rest are innocents who want nothing more than to stay alive! The goal of everyone in the mafia is pretty straightforward: kill off all those who oppose them before they themselves are taken out by their own teammates.

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Mafia Game Review: A Guide for Growing Epic Mafia

It’s a well-known fact that the Mafia game is one of the most popular games in recent years. There are many reasons for this, but surely one of them has to be how much fun it is. However, if you want to get the maximum benefit from your Mafia game experience, you need to make sure that you have all the information necessary for success! In this article, we will take a look at some key points about what makes playing an epic review so great as well as some other important pieces of advice and tricks that will really help you out when playing!

Categoria Gioco di carte
Tempo di gioco 10 to 30 mins
Giocatori 5-10
Età 13 years and up
Produttore Apostrophe Games

Panoramica e tema

The game Mafia is an interesting party game that simulates a situation where players are divided into two teams. The mafia team has to kill people who are not part of the mafia family while the rest have to find out who among them belongs to this group and eliminate it. This process continues until all members on one side die or they win by killing everyone in their enemy’s camp through voting at night time when there is no way for anyone else but the dead person to hear what happens.

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How to Play Dixit − Full Guide to Dixit Rules

Each card in your hand holds a story. How that story unfolds is entirely up to you.

Dixit is a popular tabletop game made for 3 to 6 players (or more, if you own any of the Dixit expansions). Designed by artist Jean-Louis Roubira, it’s a card game that everyone of any age can appreciate because of its beauty and its intrigue.

If this is your first time picking up Dixit, no worries — the game is simple and very easy to learn!

Below we’ve made a guide on how to play Dixit to help you get started.

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