Eldritch Horror is a mysterious and exciting cooperative board game for 2-8 players, where each player is given the role of an investigator working to stop the Ancient One from covering the world in a blanket of darkness, chaos, and dismay.
Players will have to face a series of complicated mysteries, challenges, and threats, which in turn earn them useful trinkets and spells that they may later use to defeat the Ancient One and its army of monsters.
The original Eldritch Horror game came out in 2013 and since then, it has released several terrifying and exciting expansion packs, giving you brand-new missions, investigators, rules, and other game features and elements that make the game more intriguing and fun to play!
Eldritch Horror: Forsaken Lore increases the number of mysteries, research encounters, and special encounters in the base game. It comes in two versions: the small box (with 4 new investigators and 1 new ancient one) and the big box (with 8 new investigators, new cards, a new side board, and 2 new ancient ones).
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