Dixit Review: A Magical Game of Stories

Dixit merges storytelling with a guessing game for children and adults to enjoy. It turns out that it is hard to play Dixit alone, but also good when played with others. The creativity comes out as people vie for the most interesting story and catchphrases ensue on top of it. That is why the Dixit review is here to tell you the truth about this game!

Lançamento 2008
Jogadores 3 – 6
Tempo de jogo ~30 min
Idade 8+
Categoria Storytelling, Card Game
Designer Jean-Louis Roubira
Artist Marie Cardouat
Publishers Asmodee, Libellud

Visão Geral e Tema

Dixit is a 3-6 player party game designed by Jean-Louis Roubira. It simulates walking through an art exhibit, with players coming up with witticisms or crude humor to enhance their enjoyment of the exhibit.

Each player is dealt a hand of cards depicting odd yet compelling art that they must use to describe other people’s pictures.

Dixit is an easy and entertaining way to participate in a wholesome game of imagination.

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5 Jogos como a Máfia

Mafia is an exciting social deduction game that thousands of players enjoy. Whether it’s game night with the boys or a cozy family gathering, you’ll find that this board game can be the perfect companion during any event!

But we have to admit, after a while, the gameplay can get a little repetitive. (And boring.)

games like mafia

Luckily, there are other games like Mafia that you can try out to mix things up with the gang!

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Como Fazer Dados de Resina

Dice are overflowing on the internet. Different sizes, different colors, and different shapes — it seems like there’s just no running out! You don’t want your dice looking like everybody else’s, though. This is why it’s a great idea to start making your own resin dice at home instead of buying them online.

It’s easy and fun. You can even turn it into a friendly activity if your friends want to join in on the action.

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Como lançar e ler dados de percentil

Os dados, como quaisquer outras coisas, evoluíram ao longo do tempo. Ao contrário de antes, quando as coisas servem um propósito essencial, e existem apenas dados de seis lados na mesa de jogo, os jogos no século XXI serão extremamente diferentes. Estes dias, noites fora ou reuniões com a família e amigos certamente nunca sairão com um pouco de diversão e jogos.

Se por acaso tropeçar num jogo de tabuleiro que requer dados de percentil, poderá encontrar-se num aperto, especialmente quando não tem ideia de como ler e lançar estes dados. E nenhum jogo é divertido quando as coisas são confusas para si, não é?

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5 Best Terraforming Mars Expansion: Deep Into an Uncharted Territory

Since its release in 2016, Terraforming Mars has amassed a huge following and has been dubbed one of the top board games out on the market right now. It’s the perfect game for any player who enjoys science-based board games.

Melhor Escolha
Terraforming Mars: Prelude
Terraforming Mars: Prelude
Best Terraforming Mars Expansion
Prelude is the best expansion pack, as it brings with it the same excitement of engine building from Terraforming Mars but doesn’t alter the gameplay in any way. It also shortens the game by 30 minutes and provides players with better strategies to move their corporations forward in the game.
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Terraforming Mars has 5 action-packed expansions packs (with even more rumored to be on the way). And although all of them were designed to add more excitement and gameplay to the basic game, it can be difficult to choose which is best for you.

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How to Play Eldritch Horror: Rules and Setup the Game

Eldritch Horror is a mysterious and exciting cooperative board game for 2-8 players, where each player is given the role of an investigator working to stop the Ancient One from covering the world in a blanket of darkness, chaos, and dismay.

Players will have to face a series of complicated mysteries, challenges, and threats, which in turn earn them useful trinkets and spells that they may later use to defeat the Ancient One and its army of monsters.

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Best Eldritch Horror Expansions

The original Eldritch Horror game came out in 2013 and since then, it has released several terrifying and exciting expansion packs, giving you brand-new missions, investigators, rules, and other game features and elements that make the game more intriguing and fun to play!

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Forsaken Lore
Forsaken Lore
The Best Eldritch Horror Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Forsaken Lore increases the number of mysteries, research encounters, and special encounters in the base game. It comes in two versions: the small box (with 4 new investigators and 1 new ancient one) and the big box (with 8 new investigators, new cards, a new side board, and 2 new ancient ones).
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However, it can be a little difficult to decide which one to settle for with all these options available.

This is why we’re giving you this comprehensive review of our 5 best Eldritch Horror Expansions, to help you reach a clear decision.

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How to Play Terraforming Mars: Game Rules Overview

Terraforming Mars is a strategy board game that incorporates resource management, drafting, and tile placement. It’s set in the 2400s with the players taking the role of tenacious corporations who are each looking to spend entire generations of settlers to be the first to make Mars habitable. Each corporation competes for getting the most victory points, which can be earned not only by contributing to the Mars terraforming process but also for doing commendable things in the game.

This How-to-Play guide will help you navigate through the complex and sometimes confusing structure of the Terraforming Mars mechanics.

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Como verificar o equilíbrio dos dados: Teste de água salgada e outros métodos

Things can get pretty heated in a game session, the competition can get pretty tense, or maybe there are bets at stake for who will win the game. Therefore, you’re more focused than ever to get through as the winner. The problem is, if you’re playing a game that includes the use of dice, you have no choice but to leave it to your chances and trust lady luck. However, as you roll your dice, suddenly, you noticed that you’re always getting a bad roll. Or perhaps, the other players keep getting the best rolls throughout the game. Sounds like a bad play of luck? I tell you not!

That certainly ring a bell for something that’s so simple but gives great consequences, right? My friends, those are just some of the countless scenarios that can be caused by poorly balanced dice.

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