Revisão do Jogo de Tabuleiro de Dicas: Um Jogo Familiar Divertido e Desafiante

If you are looking for a fun and challenging family game, then Dica is a perfect choice. This board game has been around since 1950, so it’s no wonder that it’s still popular to this day. The goal of the game is to find out who killed Mr. Boddy by exploring different rooms in his mansion. You can play with up to 6 players at once!

Lançamento October 7, 2017
Jogadores 3-6
Idade 8+
Categoria Jogo de cartas
Marca Jogos Hasbro
País de origem EUA
Item Dimensões LxWxH 1.61 x 10.51 x 10.51 inches

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Os 5 melhores jogos de tabuleiro como pista para novos caçadores de aventuras

What are the best board games like Dica out there? That is a question that many people ask themselves when they want to find something new and exciting. But, with so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this blog post, we will go over five different board games that have aspects similar to clue-style mystery solving.

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Best Board Game Like Clue For Group Fun
Mysterium is a great board game-like Clue for those who want something new and different but still has aspects that feel familiar.
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Versões do Jogo de Tabuleiro de Dicas: Qual é a Melhor?

Dica é um jogo que testa a sua capacidade de resolver puzzles e deduzir quem é o culpado. Para alguns, o Clue tornou-se uma obsessão. Existem hoje muitas versões diferentes do jogo no mercado, o que pode tornar difícil decidir qual deve comprar para si ou como oferta! Neste post do blogue, iremos rever cada versão do jogo de tabuleiro Clue e dizer-lhe como diferem umas das outras.

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Dica: Harry Potter Edition
Dica: Harry Potter Edition
Melhor Versão do Jogo de Tabuleiro de Dicas
Se você ou os seus amigos são grandes fãs de Harry Potter então Cluedo: Harry Potter Edition é a melhor versão disponível.
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How to Win at Clue: A Game of Intense Deduction and Strategy

Dica is a game of intense deduction and strategy. The goal of the game is to figure out which character committed the murder using physical clues, weapons, and rooms in order to get away with it. You can play solo or with up to 6 other people – perfect for parties! Clue was originally released in 1949 by Parker Brothers but has been updated many times since then.

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How to Play Clue Board Game: Rules And Setup The Game

Dica is a murder mystery board game that has been around since the 1950s and was originally published by Parker Brothers. In the Clue box you should find a large plastic playing piece with a shoe on top (this represents Miss Scarlett), six plastic weapons (knife, candlestick, lead pipe, revolver, rope, and wrench), four large plastic playing pieces with the faces of Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet and Professor Plum on them respectively; three cards for each character that show where they were at the time of the murder in relation to another player’s card (these are used for alibis) and one envelope with six cards inside (one for each player).

If you’re looking for a fun way to spend an evening with friends or family, Clue is an excellent choice! In this blog post, we will go over how to play Clue and what you’ll need in order to set up the game.

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Versões de Melhor Risco (Jogo de Tabuleiro) - Buyer's Guide

Quando se pensa em RiscoMas há muito mais neste jogo do que apenas lançar os dados. Há muitas versões diferentes de Risco disponíveis no mercado hoje em dia. Este artigo irá discutir estas diferentes versões a fim de ajudar os compradores a encontrar a versão que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades!

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Risco: Jogo de Tronos
Risco: Jogo de Tronos
Melhor Versão do Jogo de Tabuleiro de Risco
Risco: Game of Thrones é uma excelente escolha se estiver à procura da melhor versão de jogo de tabuleiro de risco para os fãs desta série televisiva! Também pode ser uma excelente ideia de presente.
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Pandemic Vs Pandemic Legacy: Which Is Better?

This post will compare the two board games, Pandemia and Pandemic Legacy. It will discuss their mechanics, strategies, components, pros, and cons. The goal is to help you decide which game would be best for your next family game night or adult party.

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How to Win Catan: An Overview of Strategies

Catan is a board game that has been around for decades. You may have played it when you were younger or know someone who is obsessed with the game. It’s not uncommon to find people who are in love with Catan and will play it any chance they get. If you’re one of these people, …

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Top 5 Jogos como Ticket to Ride: Críticas, Dicas e Mais

If you are looking for a new game to play with your family or friends, the Bilhete para Passeio board game is one of the best options. The game has won several awards and is very popular around the world. You can easily find it in stores, or order it online. But if you want variety, there are plenty of other games that have similar features to this one – here’s our list of five alternatives!

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7 Wonders
7 Wonders
Best Board Game For Two Players
This is a great game to play with your partner since it’s not as cutthroat as other games.
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