El Almas oscuras Board Game is a board game that was released in April of 2018. It is a cooperative dungeon crawler, where players work together to defeat the boss and then defeat all other enemies on the level before advancing onto the next one. Players move from room to room on an 8-level modular board, fighting monsters and solving puzzles until they finally reach the boss fight.
If you are interested in getting this game for yourself or as a gift for someone else who loves playing video games but would also enjoy a challenge through tabletop gaming, make sure you read this article! We will discuss what comes with your purchase, how to set it up, and get started with learning the rules of gameplay.
Ganar (o perder) el juego
There is a lot of luck involved in the game, especially when you are just learning how to play. Because there are so many different cards that come with your purchase and each one has its own effect on gameplay, it can be overwhelming at first. However, once players get used to knowing what every card does they will have an easier time making decisions about their strategy while playing.
There are even some situations where certain items may not work well together or against other things that you would expect them to based on the name.
Resumen del investigador
There are multiple different characters that you can choose to play as in this game, including the Herald, Mercenary, Thief, Assassin, Hunter, and Deprived. Each one has their own stats that they start out with which affects how much damage is done when they attack enemies or how many hits it takes them before being knocked down or killed.
The most important thing about playing through all of your games is learning what works well with your strategy so far and changing things up accordingly depending on whether you win or lose fights along the way. For example: If a player successfully defeats an enemy but there are still more left on the board then they will have to move onto the next level.
The Game Phases
The game consists of three phases: the planning phase, the movement phase, and then finally combat. The player who is chosen to go first in each round will choose whether they want to be aggressive or defensive (meaning that they can either attack an enemy on their current level or not). Then all other players decide if it would be better for them to do so as well based on what items are currently equipped onto whoever was being aggressive.
The Planning Phase
In the planning phase, players who are not being aggressive can choose to use their action point to do one of three things: search for traps/secret doors (which requires you to roll dice), heal themselves or other characters on their level (healing costs Souls depending on your character’s Soul Level stat) and finally equip items that they find during gameplay onto their current equipment card.
Alternatively, players could move through a secret door instead without spending any action points at all if they wanted. The only thing is that they are not allowed to do this for the rest of the level.
The Movement Phase
In this part, each player can move one space in either direction (forward or sideways) on their current level without using any points at all.
Also, note that players who choose not to be aggressive during planning still have the option of doing so here but only with whatever equipment cards they currently hold onto. The last thing about the gameplay is combat which occurs when two characters are close enough together from opposite sides of a wall or other obstacle/card. In this case, each player will be able to play a card from their hand in order to attack or defend during that round depending on what the situation calls for.
The Combat Phase
Some of these cards can do direct damage while others may require you to roll dice instead and also keep in mind that any character with equipment cannot heal themselves without getting rid of all items first! Once everyone has finished having their turn then whoever was killed/knocked down gets back up again but if another enemy is nearby they may choose to continue fighting them at full strength (or not). If there are no enemies left after everyone makes it through one round successfully however then the game moves onto the next level where players start out with fewer Soul Level Points and continue fighting their way through the same process!
Dark Souls: Reglas del juego de mesa
Step One – Setting Up Terrain
In order to get started with the Dark Souls board game, you will need a minimum of two decks from which you can build your own personal deck out of. The first one should consist of enemy cards while the other is where all weapons and items go in. You may also include an extra lore deck if you like (which consists of different types of NPCs) but it’s not required for gameplay!
When it comes to building your custom deck, keep in mind that you can choose what goes inside here as long as you follow these rules: there have to be at least two NPCs (one good and one bad) along with four enemies for every character playing AND all cards must match up accordingly by level number or category! The last thing about setting things up is placing terrain on top of certain spaces where players will need to move but take note that this doesn’t always have to happen if no obstacles are available when putting together your own personal decks.
Step Two – Choosing Characters
After sorting through everything mentioned above then everyone chooses their starting characters randomly which should consist of one main hero and two supporting characters (the number of total Soul Level Points they have to spend). If no one wants this then just choose randomly until everyone has chosen the same “team” for themselves.
Step Three – Drawing a Treasure Map!
Once all players have been determined as well as their starting positions on the board, you can now select from four different treasure maps that were included into your custom deck at random before revealing it which will show where up to three traps or secret doors are located throughout each level. These spaces also need to be replaced after being revealed so take note of what is placed there during gameplay going forward. The last thing about setting things up is placing terrain on top of certain spaces where players will need to move but take note that this doesn’t always have to happen if no obstacles are available when putting together your own personal decks.
Step Four – Playing The Game!
All players start out in the lower right corner of their starting position (with all NPCs and bosses facing them) while terrain such as traps or secret doors should be placed directly across from each other on opposite sides of a wall/object unless stated otherwise during gameplay so everyone knows what is going where.
At the same time, place Soul Level Point tokens into each character’s designated space which can also give you an idea about how much damage they will do for certain cards in relation to their number value along with any additional effects these weapons may provide. Once all players have had the chance to look at their own cards then everyone can now choose one of two different actions on each turn which are as follows:
- Attack! Players select an enemy card from their hand that matches up with a specific character’s weapon/armor, play it face-down onto any space on the board before revealing what was just placed. After this has been taken care of, every player must make sure they roll for initiative (determined by Soul Level Point tokens) in order to see who will be able to attack first during combat.
- I’ll Play A Spell! All spells or magical effects stated under your characters’ spellbook should be used here and these cannot cause damage unless otherwise noted but do keep in mind that this action costs two Soul Level Point tokens to use. If you do not have enough then you cannot play any spells but that doesn’t mean other players can’t either!
Step Five – Damage Resolution! How To Kill Stuff
Ahora viene la parte divertida en la que todas las cartas se ponen boca arriba para que todo el mundo las vea antes de que se produzcan sus efectos, que a menudo dependerán de lo que se indique en el texto de la carta, así que presta atención aquí si hay algo especial sobre cómo funciona o cuándo termina tu turno después de que todo se haya resuelto. Algunas cosas pueden requerir varios pasos mientras que otras sólo ocurren una vez y cada jugador necesita tomar nota de cada una que resuelve porque ciertas acciones/efectos pueden cambiar dependiendo de quién ataque primero a veces (incluso si es la carta enemiga a la que estás atacando).
Step Six – Collecting Souls
Si tu personaje gana un ataque contra otro, todos tendrán que pagar una ficha de Punto de Nivel de Alma para recoger sus almas, que se pueden usar para hechizos o habilidades, pero ten en cuenta que algunos personajes necesitan más que otros, así que no las malgastes en algo inútil.
Una vez hecho todo esto, pasa las manos y los mazos de ambos jugadores (incluidos los PNJ/jefes) antes de empezar una nueva ronda robando cartas de tu propio mazo personalizado si no se han gastado por completo durante el combate y continúa jugando hasta que todos los jugadores hayan muerto. Esto puede llevar un rato...
Tips for Playing Dark Souls
Keep Your Distance
Aunque no tendrás que preocuparte por esto en el caso de los jefes, es mejor que mantengas las distancias con la mayoría de los enemigos hasta que estén muertos, ya que sus ataques suelen infligir daño en función de lo cerca que te encuentres. Esto significa que si alguien tiene una alabarda, ponte a su lado durante la batalla sólo si es absolutamente necesario, o bien tómate el tiempo necesario para alejarte antes de atacar en lugar de arriesgar tu propia vida.
Focus On One Enemy At A Time
Esto es especialmente cierto contra jefes que pueden absorber almas y potenciarse usando otras habilidades primero, así que asegúrate de que todo el mundo ataca por turnos a un enemigo a la vez para evitar que las cosas se compliquen más adelante. Si hay más de uno, céntrate primero en los más débiles para mantener el equilibrio.
Keep Track of Everything You Do!
En serio, hay que prestar atención aquí para que todo el mundo esté en la misma página y siga lo que se indica en el texto/habilidades de su propia carta, porque algunas cartas tienen ciertos efectos que sólo pueden usar una o dos veces antes de ser descartadas, mientras que otras pueden hacer que el ataque de un enemigo sea contraproducente si falla su objetivo.
De nuevo, esto significa que debes ser consciente de las limitaciones de tu personaje, así como de la cantidad de daño que es capaz de hacer durante el combate, junto con las ventajas o desventajas dependiendo de a quién esté atacando. Lo último que alguien quiere es que la habilidad de otro anule el efecto del arma de otro jugador, ¡así que ten siempre estas cosas en cuenta!
Preparing Spells & Abilities In Advance
Aunque puede ser tentador usar un hechizo o ataque tan pronto como puedas, intenta no hacerlo hasta el último momento posible porque existe la posibilidad de que otro jugador juegue su propia carta y anule lo que tu personaje planea hacer. Esto también se aplica al seguimiento de los ataques a distancia que no pueden apuntar a enemigos a corta distancia a menos que se indique lo contrario, así que si alguien intenta hacer algo así, asegúrate de que sabe a qué distancia de ellos tiene que estar antes de atacar la próxima vez en lugar de desperdiciar un punto de acción en nada.
De nuevo, ¡presta atención aquí o todos juntos fracasarán a la hora de progresar durante la batalla! No hay segundas oportunidades en Dark Souls, ¡así que no dejes que esto te ocurra!
Wielding a Weapon & Equipping Armor
Aquí es donde las cosas se pueden complicar, ya que hay diferentes tipos de armaduras y armas que cada personaje debe empuñar. En el caso de las armas, algunas requieren las dos manos, mientras que otras tienen sus propias reglas en cuanto a peso y daño, lo que afectará a tus estadísticas.
En cuanto a los objetos equipables, estos van desde anillos que proporcionan beneficios adicionales, como aumentar tu salud máxima o restaurarla cada turno, hasta piezas de armadura que a menudo son débiles contra ciertos tipos de daño, así que intenta no usarlas a menos que no tengas otra opción, de lo contrario los enemigos harán un trabajo rápido con el resto de ti. También existe la posibilidad de que algunos equipos estén malditos, pero si esto sucede, entonces todos deben decidir juntos quién debe encargarse de ello a continuación, ¡en lugar de dejar que alguien lo haga por accidente!
Ahí lo tienes, una guía rápida del juego de mesa Dark Souls junto con todo lo necesario para que todo el mundo pueda seguir con vida mientras avanza a lo largo de este peligroso viaje.
La clave aquí es la comunicación y el trabajo en equipo, así que intenta no ser demasiado avaricioso, especialmente a la hora de curar y revivir, porque no tiene sentido que uno de los tuyos se sacrifique en vano justo antes de completar una parte importante de su misión. De nuevo, comunícate bien y aprende de cada error que se produzca, luego repite lo que funciona mejor después de cada batalla hasta que alguien consiga finalmente ganar en lugar de permitir otra derrota como la última vez.