If you’ve always been a fan of true crime and want to enter the mind of a real killer, this murder mystery subscription box is exactly what you need to get your blood pumping.
Hunt a Killer is an immersive crime story that slowly unfolds month to month, in a form of a subscription box. You don’t have to be a murder mystery junkie to be able to enjoy this new experience.
Still, for those who are having second thoughts about subscribing and are wondering whether or not it’s worth the cost, this Hunt a Killer review is for you!
Categorías | Cazar a un asesino |
Año de fundación | 2016 |
Diseñadores/Fundadores: | Ryan Hogan y Derrick Smith |
Recuento de jugadores: | 1 + (although we don’t recommend playing with more than 6 members in a team) |
Edad recomendada: | Más de 14 años |
Duración de la obra: | De 90 minutos a 3 horas para completarlo (dependiendo de su nivel de habilidad) |
El coste: | A partir de $30 al mes* |
Características principales: |
Estaciones de juego: |
*Precios a partir de julio de 2021.
Hunt a Killer: How It’s Played

- Popular juego de mesa para 3 a 6 jugadores
- Diseñado por el artista Ryan Hogan
A lo largo de seis (6) meses, recibirás paquetes llenos de pistas y otros artículos.
Each box you receive will contain an inventory checklist. This list will help you determine if the box you received has everything that your serial killer is trying to send you. Make sure you aren’t missing any items or clues.
Once everything is checked and accounted for, it’s time to begin your investigation!
Temporadas y episodios
Games are divided into seasons that are six (6) episodes long. Month to month, you’ll be receiving items in your mail that will either help you find a murder weapon or dismiss a possible suspect from your investigation.
Si te suscribes en mitad de una temporada, puedes solicitar a los fabricantes que te envíen los últimos episodios en bloque.
Don’t have the patience to wait month-to-month for the next box to arrive at your doorstep? You can also request for the manufacturers to send the next episode to you ASAP instead of monthly.
If you’re looking for something shorter to play but still have the same amount of complexity and excitement, Premiums are a perfect option for you.
Se trata de juegos independientes de misterio y asesinato que puedes hacer en una sola sesión.
Algunos títulos para mirar.
Hunt A Killer: 1973 - Remasterizado
Following the murder of their lead singer Darryl Fanton, FLUF almost instantly gained fame as one of the most popular cult bands of the 1970s. In this spine-tingling standalone box, you’re given a task to solve the mystery of Darryl Fanton’s death and finally close loose ends.
The box includes puzzles, clues, and ciphers similar to the traditional subscription boxes. You also get a copy of FLUF’s album in the package.
Cazar a un asesino: El asesino melancólico
Melancholy Killer is actually Hunt a Killer’s best-selling standalone pack, and it’s back by popular demand!
In this story, Peter Gillespie, a convicted serial killer, mysteriously leaves you all of his belongings after getting murdered in the pen. It’s up to you to find out who his murderer was and whether or not he deserved this end.
The gameplay takes about 5 to 7 hours to complete, but you don’t have to complete everything in one sitting.
Caza de un asesino: Mansión Ghastly
If ghost hunting is something that you’re into, the Ghastly Manor should be quite a treat for you to play.
In this game, you take on the role of an expert ghost hunter whose team has been invited to investigate a series of hauntings that have been happening at one of the inns in town. Together with your team, it’s your job to vanquish the evil terrorizers and bring calm back to the town.
Tipos de suscripción
Hay dos tipos de cajas de suscripción Hunt a Killer: Misterio y Horror.
We can look at the Mystery subscription boxes as the traditional option. It’s all analysis and investigations.
Puedes conseguirlo en tres planes diferentes:
- Mensualmenteque cuesta alrededor de $30 al mes e incluye una edición limitada de Hunt a Killer Seasons Exclusive Notebook.
- Pase de temporada (6 meses), que cuesta alrededor de $27,50 al mes. También incluye una edición limitada del Cuaderno Exclusivo Hunt a Killer Seasons, además de un completo y exclusivo set de Killer Cocktails que contiene: un libro de recetas, 2 tazas de Moscow Mule de Detective Juice.
- Pase de temporada doble (12 meses), que cuesta alrededor de $25 al mes. Este plan te hace avanzar automáticamente a una nueva línea argumental una vez que completes la temporada actual. También incluye una edición limitada del cuaderno Hunt a Killer Seasons Exclusive y el set Killer Cocktails.
Puede obtener más detalles sobre sus planes, aquí.
If you’re looking for something that’ll get your brain juices flowing and your heart racing, giving Hunt a Killer: Horror should be perfect for you.
Límites de suscripción
Para mantener la calidad de sus servicios, Hunt a Killer implementa un límite en sus suscripciones, para controlar el número de personas que se inscriben en su programa de suscripción. Esta es una característica que nos parece increíblemente atractiva y que desearíamos que más fabricantes adoptaran.
Al fin y al cabo, lo que quiere es que los usuarios queden satisfechos con sus productos, y la única forma de conseguirlo es mantener la calidad de los mismos.
Así que, felicitaciones a Hunt a Killer por tomar la iniciativa.
¿Qué se obtiene en una caja?
Every box from different seasons is unique, so what you get will depend entirely on that season’s theme. It can be anything from police reports, newspaper clippings, documents, letters, and ciphers to physical items like cufflinks or collectible enamel pins.
Llamada al telón
Hunt a Killer’s current season is Curtain Call, a case that’s set around a murder that had been committed in 1934 New York.
Here’s a quick trailer to give you an idea of what to expect:
En el caso de Curtain Call, cada caja contendrá los siguientes elementos:
- Una combinación aleatoria de pistas y pruebas
- Correspondencia de sus contactos
- Un broche y un gemelo de esmalte de colección
- Una tarjeta de inventario
- Detalles del escritorio virtual
Las pruebas físicas, como el gemelo y el alfiler de esmalte, están excepcionalmente elaboradas. Todo ello con materiales de alta calidad y hecho con una increíble atención al detalle.
Los diseñadores han hecho un gran trabajo al evocar la sensación y las complejidades del diseño de los años 30.
Las fotografías están impresas con colores tenues, como si los años hubieran desteñido sus tonos. Los informes forenses fotocopiados tienen manchas de carbón que los hacen más creíbles y reales. Incluso las cartas mecanografiadas tienen esas hendiduras únicas de las máquinas de escribir donde las pesadas teclas golpean el papel.
We don’t know about you, but these simple details are really what brings a game together and adds to the authenticity of the experience.
Escritorio virtual
In Episode 1 of Curtain Call, you’re given a set of log-in details and a web address where you can access the virtual desktop of Hunt a Killer. There, you’ll find folders and documents that can help you with solving your case.
No sólo eso.
Para añadir más autenticidad y ambiente al juego, Hunt a Killer te ofrece una receta de cóctel a través del escritorio virtual, para que puedas sorber una bebida refrescante mientras sigues jugando.
They also give you a playlist full of songs from the 1930s. If you’re ever in need of background music while you’re working through some clues, just put on one of these tracks and you’re good to go!
Besides containing important documents and clues, the virtual desktop is also where you submit your answers to each episode. Simply click the “email” section on your virtual desktop and it will take you to your inbox where you can type down your answer.
Las contraseñas del escritorio cambian cada episodio, y puedes encontrarlo en la correspondencia con tu contacto.
Tarjeta de inventario
La tarjeta de inventario hace exactamente lo que su nombre sugiere: mantiene el inventario de todas las cosas que se incluyen en su caja de suscripción.
On it, you’ll find the following information:
- El número de episodio actual
- Una lista de control de artículos
- Tareas o cosas que tienes que hacer para este episodio
- Instrucciones para enviar su respuesta
- Recursos adicionales para consultar, como documentos, sitios web, etc.
- Sugerencias sobre dónde conseguir pistas
Recapitulaciones de episodios en línea
If things start to get tough, don’t worry — you have other clues that are completely at your disposal.
The online episode recaps give you access to hints and solutions to each episode’s ciphers and puzzles. It’s designed to avoid any spoilers, so you have complete control over how much or how little information is revealed.
You’ll find access details to your online episode recaps at the back of your inventory card.
Personajes y argumento
Posiblemente, lo mejor de las cajas de suscripción Hunt a Killer es el hecho de que cada temporada se construye en torno a la narración de asesinatos y casos de la vida real. Diseñadas por aficionados a los crímenes reales, puedes sentir que las historias y los personajes cobran vida simplemente tocando y leyendo el material de la caja.
Creating an immersive murder mystery game is a challenge in itself already, and we’re surprised that Hunt a Killer has done an exceptionally great job at keeping the story flowing as smoothly as possible.
The characters are well-written and have a depth to them that only the best writers can achieve. You can really see each person’s flaws, quirks, and characteristics.
Each episode is jam-packed with dozens of clues, hints, and evidence, that it can feel overwhelming and disorienting sometimes. There’s so much material to read. Plus, you’ll have to take notes, keep track of timelines, while at the same time deliberate which of your possible suspects is likely the murderer.
Still, the storyline is capturing enough that you won’t mind having to read and write so much to solve the case.
¿Recomendamos cazar a un asesino?
Por supuesto.
Hunt a Killer is the type of subscription box program that delivers you EXACTLY what you pay for — possibly even more. Sure, $30 per month is basically the amount we spend on date nights with our significant other. But imagine how much more fun you can have when you play Hunt a Killer?
You can enjoy an exciting and thought-provoking game together. Discuss issues and theories, solve puzzles and ciphers, and dive deep into a story that’s nothing like anything you’ve ever heard of before!
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la caza de un asesino
¿Es Hunt a Killer Family-Friendly?
Because of the graphic and rather gruesome nature of its contents, the makers don’t recommend it for anyone below the age of 14. Still, if you think your children can handle it, there should be no harm if you let them participate during some parts of the mystery.
¿Cuándo se estrena un nuevo episodio de Hunt a Killer?
Hunt a Killer releases a new episode every 22nd of the month. That’s if you don’t expedite your orders.
¿Qué temporada sería un buen punto de partida?
Death at the Dive Bar is a pretty solid entry point, especially for users who haven’t tried murder mystery games before. The plot is easy to understand and the clues aren’t as difficult to decipher compared to the other seasons.
¿Puedes jugar a cazar a un asesino con zoom?
There’s really no rule saying that you can’t, so sure. Schedule a Zoom meeting with your friends or family members and work on an episode together!
¿Caza a un asesino utiliza casos de la vida real?
We do take inspiration from real-life crime stories, but we don’t include everything we find in our plot. Our writers are responsible for adding their own unique twists and nuances to our tales.
¿Apoya Hunt a Killer a alguna organización benéfica?
The company is passionate about bringing justice to the thousands of murder victims whose cases have gone unsolved. This is why with every Hunt a Killer box that’s sold, a portion of it is donated to the La Fundación Cold Case (CCF).
El CCF es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que proporciona recursos a los organismos policiales para ayudarles a resolver casos sin resolver.
¿Qué temporada de caza de un asesino es la mejor?
Todo esto depende realmente del tipo de acción que le guste tener.
In the previous seasons, such as Initiation and Hawthorn Junction, the game is less directed. So you’re left to figure out everything on your own. The newer ones like Class of 98 and Moon Summit give you more direction, however, so it’s perfect for those who are just getting started with the genre.
¿Los errores tipográficos están aquí a propósito?
Everything that’s included in your package is intentional, so even the typos can serve as clues. Which is why you have to pay close attention to everything that seems out of the ordinary.
Si hay referencias de libros o títulos de canciones que te parecen llamativos, búscalos. Nunca se sabe a dónde te pueden llevar.
Being a murder mystery aficionado isn’t exactly something you can openly talk about. Unless you want to get strange stares from other people, this type of thing is often kept on the down-low.
With Hunt a Killer, you have an entire fanbase that’s ready to share the excitement and fun with you! With Facebook Groups and user forums, you can connect and chat with other players who are also eager to share such a unique and new experience with you.
Forme parte de una creciente comunidad de detectives e investigadores. Suscríbase a Hunt a Killer, hoy mismo.