Best Unstable Unicorns Expansion Packs: The Five Funniest Add-Ons

If you love unicorns, then this post is for you! We will talk about five of the best expansion packs that are available in a variety of stores. It’s important to find an add-on pack that adds a lot of content and fun. We hope our list helps you choose your next favorite addition to Licornes instables!

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Unstable Unicorns NSFW Card Game
Unstable Unicorns NSFW Card Game
Best Expansion for NSFW Content
The NSFW deck comes with 100 new cards that you can add to the main deck. There are unicorns, actions cards, spells – all in a hilarious adult theme!
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Classement des 5 meilleures extensions de Carcassonne

Si vous êtes un fan du jeu de société populaire CarcassonneDans ce cas, cet article est fait pour vous ! Nous allons examiner 5 extensions qui peuvent être ajoutées à votre jeu existant. Chaque extension ajoute de nouvelles règles et de nouvelles pièces, de sorte qu'elles ont toutes quelque chose de différent à offrir.

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Commerçants et constructeurs de Carcassonne
Commerçants et constructeurs de Carcassonne
Meilleure extension de Carcassonne
Traders & Builders est un excellent complément pour ajouter de la profondeur et de la stratégie aux joueurs expérimentés qui recherchent quelque chose de nouveau.
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Critique du jeu de société Carcassonne : un jeu de stratégie pour tous

The Carcassonne Board Game is a strategy game for all ages. The game was created in 2000 by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede and it has been translated into over 20 languages. It is easy to learn, but difficult to master. I will go through the rules of the game and give you tips on how to win!

Communiqué de presse November 1, 2014
Joueurs 2-5
Temps de jeu 45 minutes
Âge 7 years +
Department Strategy & Adventure Games
Fabricant Asmode
Marque Z-Man Games

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Stratégie de terraformation de Mars - Comment gagner réellement ?

Nous voulons tous être la première personne à aller sur Mars et la terraformation est une étape essentielle pour y parvenir. La terraformation de MarsCe n'est pas aussi facile que cela en a l'air. Terraforming Mars est sorti il y a plus de deux ans maintenant, et nous avons vu beaucoup de stratégies différentes que les gens utilisent pour essayer de gagner ce jeu. Dans cet article de blog, nous allons couvrir certaines des meilleures stratégies pour gagner Terraforming Mars !

Qu'est-ce que la terraformation de Mars ?

Terraforming Dans Terraforming Mars, vous êtes en compétition avec d'autres joueurs pour terraformer Mars et devenir la première personne sur cette planète ! Ce n'est pas aussi facile que cela en a l'air, mais...

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Shut the Box: Learn How to Play and Review

Shut the box is a game that has been played in England for over 250 years. The goal of the game is to score points by stopping each number on a die with one throw of the dice. This blog post will teach you how to play and review this fun old-school board game!

Shut the box game Review

Shut the Box (also known as “sevens”) is a game that has been around for years. It’s popular because it can be played quickly and easily by adults or children alike! This means whether you’re looking to pass some time with friends or playing solo, this game offers something fun no matter what your skill level may be like.

The premise of shutting the box involves moving along each row starting from left to right while trying to accumulate points until there are none left in any given row. If players manage to do so then they’ll earn double their current score multiplied by two which helps make things interesting when scoring comes into play at the end of gameplay!

However, if players fail to abide by these rules then they automatically lose the game so there is a lot of strategy involved in playing this classic boardgame.

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Mafia Game: the Ultimate Guide to Playing Games

Mafia is a game of social deduction for 3-10 players, which takes about an hour to play. This mafia game has become very popular in many countries around the world, so it’s time to take a look at what this game entails and how you can get started playing!

Vue d'ensemble

Mafia is a party game where you have to play against your friends. You are part of one group that’s trying to secretly murder other players, while the rest are innocents who want nothing more than to stay alive! The goal of everyone in the mafia is pretty straightforward: kill off all those who oppose them before they themselves are taken out by their own teammates.

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Mafia Game Review: A Guide for Growing Epic Mafia

It’s a well-known fact that the Mafia game is one of the most popular games in recent years. There are many reasons for this, but surely one of them has to be how much fun it is. However, if you want to get the maximum benefit from your Mafia game experience, you need to make sure that you have all the information necessary for success! In this article, we will take a look at some key points about what makes playing an epic review so great as well as some other important pieces of advice and tricks that will really help you out when playing!

Catégorie Jeu de cartes
Temps de jeu 10 to 30 mins
Joueurs 5-10
Âge 13 years and up
Fabricant Apostrophe Games

Vue d'ensemble et thème

The game Mafia is an interesting party game that simulates a situation where players are divided into two teams. The mafia team has to kill people who are not part of the mafia family while the rest have to find out who among them belongs to this group and eliminate it. This process continues until all members on one side die or they win by killing everyone in their enemy’s camp through voting at night time when there is no way for anyone else but the dead person to hear what happens.

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How to Play Dixit − Full Guide to Dixit Rules

Each card in your hand holds a story. How that story unfolds is entirely up to you.

Dixit is a popular tabletop game made for 3 to 6 players (or more, if you own any of the Dixit expansions). Designed by artist Jean-Louis Roubira, it’s a card game that everyone of any age can appreciate because of its beauty and its intrigue.

If this is your first time picking up Dixit, no worries — the game is simple and very easy to learn!

Below we’ve made a guide on how to play Dixit to help you get started.

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