Exploding Kittens: NSFW Edition Review with Rules and Tips for Playing

Are you looking for a game that is not only fun but also ridiculous? Then this review of the NSFW Edition of Exploderende Kittens might be just what you’re looking for. This card game has taken over the world, and with good reason! With rules that are easy to learn and more than enough cards to keep things interesting, it’s no wonder people have been so excited about this game. If you want some insight into how this deck works or some tips on how to play it best, then continue reading below!

Vrijgave 24 augustus 2015
Spelers 2-5
Speeltijd 15 Minuten
Leeftijd 17+
Categorie Kaartspel
Merk Exploding Kittens LLC
Materiaal Karton, karton
Item Dimensions 1.97 x 3.94 x 3.94 x 3.94 inches

Overzicht en thema

The NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens is pretty much the same game as the original, just with a few extra cards thrown in to make things more interesting. The object of the game is still to avoid being blown up by an exploding kitten, and players can either play against each other or team up against one unlucky player. In this version of the game, players go up against a wild west theme with cowboys and kittens in place of gunslingers. The object is still to avoid drawing cards that have an exploding kitten on them until you draw one without it, but this time around there are some extra obstacles thrown into the mix—namely Nuns and Chickens!

The game is easy to learn and can be played by almost anyone
There are enough cards in the deck to keep things interesting
It's a lot of fun, especially with friends
The illustrations on the cards are hilarious and help to add to the overall tone of the game
The game can be a bit short, depending on how many players are involved

Gameplay: complexiteit en herspeelbaarheid

The gameplay in the NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens is actually a little more complex than the original. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s something to be aware of if you’re looking for a quick and easy game to play with your friends. That said, there are plenty of cards in the deck that can keep things interesting, so the game is still replayable even if you end up playing it multiple times.

Exploding Kittens NSFW Review: Components and Setup

The NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens has a lot going for it when it comes to components. The cards are pretty much the same as in the original set, but there is more variety and they’re quite durable—though you might want to be careful if your friends get rowdy while playing because some users have reported that these decks don’t handle abuse well. The box is also very sturdy, which makes it ideal for carrying around or storing if you don’t have a lot of space to spare.

Artwork en kwaliteit van onderdelen

The quality of the cards in this deck is about on par with what you would expect from a professional card game. The artwork is simple and cartoon-like, but it still looks nice enough that players won’t feel like they need to hide their hands while playing. If there’s one complaint I have about the components, though, it’s that the box is a little too small. There’s not really enough room to store the cards once you’ve taken them out, so you’ll probably want to find another container if you plan on playing this game more than once.

Het spel winnen (of verliezen)

The NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens is a bit more difficult to win than the original, but it’s still possible. The main way to win (or lose) is still by avoiding drawing cards with exploding kittens on them until you draw one without it, but there are no more obstacles in the way. Players can also win (or lose) by drawing an exploding kitten, but this is much harder to do.

The NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens adds some new rules to the gameplay that can really liven things up for players who are tired of playing against each other.

For example, if a player manages to draw three Nuns in one turn they’ll have no choice but to draw an exploding kitten on their next turn, which means they’re out of the game. Chickens are also in this deck, and if you manage to get one into your hand it will force everyone else to play with just three cards at a time.

How to Play Exploding Kittens NSFW

Step One: Gather the Materials

To play Exploding Kittens NSFW, you’ll need to gather three or more players and a deck for each player. The original game is recommended as it’s often easier than explaining things from scratch, but if your friends are willing then feel free to use this set instead! You should also have something to keep score with, whether that’s a pen and paper or something more creative.

Step Two: Deal the Cards

Deal out five cards to each player, placing the remaining deck in the middle of the players. If any player has an exploding kitten card, they must show it to all of the other players and then put it back in the deck.

Step Three: Play or Draw

The player who most recently went to the bathroom goes first. They have two options—play a card from their hand, or draw from the deck. If they choose to play, then they must either place one of their cards in front of another player face down and give them a chance to respond with a higher valued card, or they can put down two cards and hope their opponent can’t beat them. If the player chooses to draw, then they take a card from the deck and add it to their hand.

Step Four: Respond

If another player has a card in front of them that is higher than the one played by the first player, then they must play a card that is higher than the one played by their opponent. If they can’t, then their turn ends, and play moves to the next player.

Step Five: Replenish the Deck

If any player has fewer cards in their hand at this point than there are players currently playing, then before moving on with another round of turns all of the players should replenish their hands from the deck by drawing cards. The player who just emptied their hand gets to go first in this round, and then play continues as before with each player being able to either play or draw a card.

Step Six: Game End

When only one person has any cards left in their hand, that signals the end of the game. The player with the highest valued card in their hand is the winner!

Tips for Playing Exploding Kittens NSFW

Suit Order Matters

Previously, the Exploding Kitten card was worth negative points—but in this version, it’s actually a good thing. This means that if two players put down cards with an equal value but different suits (for example) then whichever player played their suit first would win out because of the exploding kittens! So keep track of these things as you play.

Know When to Fold

If the card in front of you isn’t looking too good, it might be time to fold and give up that round. This way you won’t lose any points and can try again next time!

Watch Out for Nudges

There are a few cards in the deck that allow other players to nudge the exploding kitten card in your direction. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for these, because they could turn a game around very quickly!

Keep Score

We recommend using something like paper or pens and pencils if you’re playing with friends who don’t know each other too well yet—it’s just easier that way. And if you’re playing with strangers, then using an application like Pen and Paper RPG will work just fine.

Don’t Lose the Exploding Kittens Card

The Exploding Kittens card is worth negative points in this version of the game—so it’s actually good to have one at all times. Keep track of them carefully so that no one can take them away from you!

Exploding Kittens Original Vs NSFW

So, which edition of the game is better—the original or NSFW version? Well, that depends on what kind of player you are. If you’re looking for a quick and easy card game to play with your friends then the regular deck will probably be best. On the other hand, if you want something more complex that will keep you on your toes, then the NSFW deck is better.


In short, the NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens is great if you’re looking to have some casual fun. The rules are easy enough that almost anyone can learn them pretty quickly and there’s plenty of variety in the cards so it doesn’t get old too fast!

If you’re looking for a quick and easy card game to play with your friends, then the regular deck of Exploding Kittens is probably best. If you’re looking for something more complex that will keep you on your toes, then the NSFW deck is better. In short, the NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens is great if you’re looking to have some casual fun.

Gemakkelijk te spelen
Kunstwerk & Componenten
The rules are easy enough that almost anyone can learn them pretty quickly and there's plenty of variety in the cards so it doesn't get old too fast! So, go ahead and try out the NSFW Edition for yourself—you won't be disappointed!

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