If you’re looking for a game that will keep the entire family entertained, look no further than Carcassonne! This strategy board game is one of the simplest out there. It’s easy to learn and fun to play. Carcassonne is also great because it can be played by two people (it’s even better with four!) or as many as eight players at once!
This is a board game for two to five players. It’s played by drawing and placing randomly generated tiles as you build the city of Carcassone. The rules are simple, but there is room for strategy! You can try your hand at this medieval world in just about half an hour, making it great for those with busy schedules. As long as you have ~45 minutes to spare, this game will keep you entertained over and over again!
Carcassonne is known as a fun strategy game because it’s easy to learn and difficult to master. No matter how many times you play, there are always unexpected turns that will keep everyone on their toes! This makes Carcassonne great for all ages.
This medieval board game has won multiple awards including Game Of The Year. Carcassonne has also been translated into over 20 languages. If you’re looking for a game that will keep the entire family entertained, look no further than Carcassonne!

- High replayability
- Average Playtime: 45 minutes
How to Play Carcassonne
The game is played by the players who draw and place a tile with an incomplete landscape composed of roads, cities, cloisters, or fields on them.
Step One: Draw a Tile
The first step in Carcassonne is to draw one of the 72 tiles. The number of ways that these can be placed is endless, so it’s important to think strategically while drawing! Once you have your tile, place it somewhere on the board face up. If there already exists paths or cities where you are placing this new piece, they will become part of your special pieces once finished being played.
Step Two: Place Followers/meeples
Now comes time for your opponents and yourself to take turns playing follower tokens onto any open spaces surrounded by existing path pieces (if present). You may also choose not to play any follower token if you do not wish to at this time. Each player only has seven followers that they can play, so it’s important to use them wisely!
Once each player has placed their followers onto the board, you are now ready for scoring. If any of your pieces have completed cities or cloisters (if present), then you must score those at this time as well.
Step Three: Finish Playing Tiles
Choose two more tiles from the pile and place them where there are open spaces on either side of already played path pieces if available. Continue doing this until all 72 tiles have been used up or there is no longer an open space anywhere around existing path/city/cloister pieces. Then take turns drawing a tile again but only draw one instead of two unless none remain in which case pick out another set of tiles and continue playing until all the pieces have been used up.
Step Four: Score for Completed Cities/cloisters (if Present)
If you were able to complete a city or cloister during step three, then it is now time to score them! For example, if your piece was placed in such a way that made two separate cities into one larger city, you would gain points based on each of those individual scores added together before multiplying by ten to get their total combined value.
The same thing goes for scoring cloisters but instead of being multiplied by ten they are only multiplied by five so keep this in mind while trying to form these special pieces!

Step Five: Determine Who Wins!
The game ends when either all of the tiles have been played, there is no possible way for any players to place a tile, or one player has placed their final follower token which automatically makes them winner unless another player can surpass it by placing more followers before this happens in which case the person with the most would win if neither was able to do so than you will play additional turns until someone does (if necessary).
If you’re looking for a fun strategy game that anyone can enjoy then be sure to check out Carcassonne today! It’s great because not only is it easy to learn but it’s a ton of fun too!
In the box, you will receive a large cloth map that represents where all of your pieces are going to be placed, a rules sheet, and hundreds of colorful meeples in four different colors.
There is also a scoring track that goes around the outside edge of the board so players can keep score throughout every game instead of having to remember how many points everyone has or writing everything down on paper somewhere. The special tiles have lovely artwork as well! I really appreciate when there’s still some detail involved with simpler games like this because it just helps bring them to life even more than they already do!
Start playing Carcassonne today and you’ll be hooked! It’s simple enough that almost anyone can enjoy it, but there are so many different strategies involved every time you sit down with friends that the game stays fresh no matter how many times you play it together in one sitting.
Variations on the Game
Carcassonne also has a few variations you can play with if it’s starting to get old or people are looking for something slightly different. Perhaps the most popular among these is called ‘The River. In this variation, players still try to score points by placing meeples onto tiles and roads but in order to successfully place a tile down on the board, all of its features must be touching the water! This adds an entirely new element because no one wants their efforts ruined at the last second when they realize that there isn’t enough space around the edge of where they want to lay down their next piece even though everything else is lining up just fine.

It’s always nice when a game can be customized in this way so that it stays fresh no matter how many times people have played! The original version is still just as fun, but sometimes everyone needs something new thrown into the mix every now and then to keep things interesting. Try out Carcassonne today with some friends who are also looking for an enjoyable strategy experience where all players feel like they’re involved throughout gameplay instead of being forced to simply wait around while others take their turns one by one! It really does make quite a bit of difference in what kind of experience everyone is going to have while playing.
Carcassonne Expansion Rules
There are a few other differences in the rules depending on which version of Carcassonne you’re playing. For example, during initial set-up, it’s always nice to make sure that there is even spacing between all features (rivers especially) since they’ll need room to expand as players place down their tiles! You can also make your game more difficult by allowing for rivers and roads to begin placed diagonally instead of only horizontally or vertically.
Princess and Dragon Rules
There are also a few different rules which can be added to make things more interesting such as the princess and dragon! In this variation, there is another special tile placed onto the board at the beginning of the play. This one has three dragons on it and if you ever end up placing two meeples adjacent to each other (horizontally or vertically) then you can take control of these dragons instead!
The Princess takes her spot in between two roads but does nothing except replacing an existing feature already present there when she joins forces with either player who currently has the most meeples on that road. She’s worth two points to whoever ends up with her at the end of the game so it can be very important for you to try and make sure she lands in your hands!
Inns and Cathedrals Rules
The other variation which is slightly different from the princess and dragon one involves something called ‘Inns & Cathedrals. In this version, a player can take an inn whenever someone completes a road by placing their final tile down thereafter drawing it from the bag! They get to score two points for doing so (one point per tile) but they’ll also need to place another meeple on that completed road in order to secure it into that person’s control at the end of the game since only then will it be worth more than just one measly point like all normal roads are.
If you ever manage to complete three cities though, you’ve got yourself some cathedrals instead! These allow you to do exactly what was described in the previous paragraph with their inns except that they’re worth three points instead of two and only come into play when you build a city.
Traders and Builders Rules
The last variation is a little bit different from the other two as well and it’s called ‘Traders & Builders’. The biggest difference between this one and the rest of them is that there are no pigs anymore! Instead, whenever you manage to complete a city with your roads then everyone else will have to give you a meeple. You can choose which one they need to hand over but just make sure not to leave anyone out or pick someone who doesn’t want their piece taken otherwise there could be some serious consequences coming up later on down the line!
Now when you place those traders onto completed cities (you’ll also get points for doing so), they’re worth five times more than what normal meeples receive per road completion.
Tips for Playing Carcassonne
Carcassonne is a simple game and almost anyone of any age can play it, but you can never go wrong with a few tips and tricks to ensure victory.
Scoring Tiles
There are several different types of scoring tiles and each one will score you points differently. These can be placed at any time during the game, even if it’s not your turn! Some of them might also give other players negative points if they’re touching its borders. This makes for some very interesting play as people try to avoid giving their opponents extra scores while still making sure that they don’t block themselves out from getting a good tile in return by placing it too far away from anything else.
Special Carvings
The special carvings on certain tiles allow you to break the rules in some cases when playing Carcassonne with two or three players instead of four or five. For example, if someone has a tile with one of these special carvings, they can place it on the board even if there isn’t a matching feature already in play.
Placing road pieces is very different from placing city or farm tiles. You have some control over where you put roads since they must follow certain paths along the edges of existing features that are already placed on the map, but once they’re completed and connected to other roads at both ends, only scoring features will be able to break them apart. This means that your opponent’s farmers won’t have anywhere to go until all of those lovely points have been scored!
These little guys don’t move around much during regular gameplay so their movements aren’t something you need to worry about. However, when it’s time to score points, they all start moving toward the features you’ve placed onto the map in order to collect their goods!
One of the best aspects of Carcassonne is that players are allowed to trade tiles with each other at any time during gameplay (except for during another player’s turn). This makes it much easier than most games since there aren’t set rounds where people have specific turns and it also gives everyone a bit more control over what ends up on their tableau board.
What Strategies Do People Use to Win at Carcassonne?
People often play Carcassonne for the fun of it and many don’t even care if they win or lose. The same can be said about just playing with the base game as there’s already plenty to do within its own ruleset, but those who want a bit more out of their gaming experience will find that adding in some expansions makes things much more interesting!
When you’re trying to figure out how best to go about winning at Carcassonne, one thing you should keep in mind is that people tend to move on each other quickly during scoring rounds. This means that completing your roads and cities earlier than everyone else might not necessarily end up working well for you since tiles could end up getting taken away from underneath your nose before they can be scored.
If you’re not that lucky then it’s almost always better to just focus less on completing your own things and more about blocking out other people from being able to do so without sacrificing too much in return! When playing Carcassonne strategy, making use of farmers will often give you an edge over everyone else since they’ll only head towards features once scoring rounds roll around. This means there are several turns where they won’t have any effect unless someone decides to move one closer using special actions available in the base game.
The rules of Carcassonne are easy enough for anyone to learn and understand, making it an ideal game choice for families with children or even people who want something relaxing but challenging. The variations on the original rules help keep things interesting while still being simple enough that new players can quickly pick them up without having to read through a 40-page rule book before playing their first time!