Clue is a game that tests your ability to solve puzzles and deduce who the culprit is. For some, Clue has become an obsession. There are many different versions of the game on the market today, which can make it hard to decide which one you should buy for yourself or as a gift! In this blog post, we will review each version of Clue board game and tell you how they differ from one another.

Base Game: What is Clue?
Game Features
The classic Clue game, also known as the base game, is considered the best version of all. This means that there are no other features in any other versions and they do not add anything to this edition. It has three weapons: revolver (yellow), knife (red), and spanner (blue). The rooms are garage, ballroom, lounge, and conservatory. There are three characters: Professor Plum (purple), Mrs. White (pink), and Mr. Green (green). The six suspects are Col. Mustard (yellow), Mrs. Peacock (blue), Miss Scarlet (red), Mr. Green, Reverend Plum (purple), and Wadsworth the butler.
Cluedo was first created in the United Kingdom before being introduced to America where it became known as Clue. It has been a long-time favorite since its debut in 1949.
The base game of Clue is a great place to start if you have never played before and want to see what the excitement is all about! It will not disappoint, with its timeless appeal that has been enjoyed by generations.
The base game is the only version without a timer. Players take turns making suggestions about which suspect, room, or weapon was used to commit a crime based on their own secret information and clues gathered throughout the course of gameplay. After each suggestion has been made, it’s time for everyone else to vote whether they agree with that suggestion.
Players are given secret bits of information at the start of each game like “Professor Plum has a revolver”. From this piece of information, players should know which characters (suspects) have access to the revolver. This is an example of how Clue incorporates deduction games with information gathering in order to solve a crime or mystery.
Clue has some unique mechanics that make it stand out from other board games because no one knows who committed the murder! It’s up to everyone else playing the game to figure out who did it before the detective. It’s a fun mystery game that is sure to please everyone who tries it!
Scoring System
Scoring is based on how well you do at the game. Players earn one point for each correct suggestion they make and deduct two points if they are caught bluffing or accused of being a suspect by another player during gameplay.
The base game of Clue is a great option if you are buying for an individual that has never played before and wants to try their hand at solving mysteries! This version does not need any extra features because it’s already complete with all the rooms, weapons, and suspects.
Best Clue Versions on the Market
The base game of Clue is the best version on the market, but if you want to try something different then check out these other versions!
Image | Product | |
Best Clue Board Game Version ![]() | Clue: Harry Potter Edition
| Check Price |
Best Clue Game for Kids ![]() | Clue: Junior
| Check Price |
Best Clue Game for Adults ![]() | Clue: The Office Edition
| Check Price |
Best Clue Game for Fans of the Show ![]() | Clue: Game of Thrones
| Check Price |
Best for Fans of Adult Swim ![]() | Clue: Rick and Morty
| Check Price |
1. Clue: Harry Potter Edition – Best Clue Board Game Version
Cluedo: Harry Potter Edition is the best Clue game if you are a huge fan of J.K Rowling‘s magical world! The six suspects have been reimagined with your favorite Hogwarts characters from the series including Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, and more.
The six suspects are Professor McGonagall, Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood, Argus Filch, and Neville Longbottom. Players will try to solve the mystery of who is abusing Draco Malfoy with this new version that takes place in Hogwarts castle!
This game features three exclusive weapons not found in any of the previous Clue games. The first is Draco’s Wand, which can be used to change an answer after votes are cast; The second weapon is Hermione Granger’s Time-Turner, allowing you to take back your last suggestion; The third exclusive weapon is the Vanishing Cabinet, which allows you to swap out secret items in your hand.
Cluedo: Harry Potter Edition is a deduction game similar to Clue. Players take turns suggesting which suspect, room, and weapon were used during the crime while other players vote whether they agree with that suggestion or not.
Scoring in this version of Clue has also been altered from previous versions and now players earn 25 points for correctly solving a crime while still losing two points when they get caught bluffing or accused by another player.
This version of Clue comes with a board, six-character tokens, three exclusive weapons (Draco Malfoy’s Wand, Hermione Granger’s Time-Turner, and the Vanishing Cabinet), 42 cards (containing 18 rooms each), 16 green voting chips, and one die.
The game is more difficult because there are only two copies of certain room cards and two copies of each weapon, making it more difficult to find out which suspect committed the crime. With only one Time-Turner and Vanishing Cabinet you can’t just keep swapping around pieces until you get all the cards that are needed!
Pros and Cons
Final Judgement
If you or your friends are big Harry Potter fans then Cluedo: Harry Potter Edition is the best version available. The three exclusive weapons add an entirely new element to gameplay and make it more difficult because there are only two copies of certain cards in this game!
2. Clue: Junior – Best Clue Game for Kids
Clue: Junior is a simplified version of the classic detective game Clue. Now your child can feel like they are actually solving who stole Mr. Boddy’s chocolate cake!
Players take turns rolling the die and moving to different locations around Mr. Boddy’s house in order to find clues about which characters, rooms, and weapons were used during the crime.
The game ends when all six suspects have been discovered by moving around the board or if one player accuses another player’s suggestion of being incorrect. Whoever makes the most suggestions without being caught will win and be declared Mr. Boddy’s trusted detective!
In Clue: Junior, players take turns rolling the die and moving around Mr. Boddy’s house trying to find clues about which characters used what rooms or weapons (with help from Miss Scarlett) in order to solve who killed him!
There is also a cheat token included where if you roll doubles, you can move any player’s piece instead of your own!
This game comes with a board, six-character tokens (including Mr. Boddy), 36 cards (containing 12 characters each), 18 murder weapons, and one die.
There is also a cheat token included where if you roll doubles, you can move any player’s piece instead of your own! On top of that, there are no weapons or murder cards so players cannot accuse other suggestions of being incorrect.
Pros and Cons
Final Judgement
Cluedo: Junior is a simplified version of the classic detective game Clue. Now your child can feel like they are actually solving who stole Mr. Boddy’s chocolate cake! Gameplay has not changed much since classic Clue; however, it is easier for younger children because there are only six suspects to choose from and there are no weapons or murder cards so players cannot accuse other suggestions.
3. Clue: The Office Edition – Best Clue Game for Adults
Clue: The Office Edition is a Clue game based on your favorite TV show! Players take turns rolling the die and moving around Dwight’s Dunder Mifflin office to find clues so they can figure out which of their co-workers murdered Mr. Wiggam with an umbrella in his house, while also avoiding getting caught by the suspicious security camera!
There’s also a cheat token included where if you roll doubles, you can move any player’s piece instead of your own! On top of that, there are no weapons or murder cards so players cannot accuse other suggestions of being incorrect.
The game is very easy to play because there are only six suspects instead of the traditional nine! There are no special rooms or weapons so players cannot accuse other suggestions.
Players take turns rolling the die and moving around Dwight’s Dunder Mifflin office trying to find clues about who committed murder by Mr. Wiggam with an umbrella. Players are not allowed to get caught by the security camera, if they do happen to get caught then that player is out of the game!
The game is very easy to play because there are only six suspects instead of the traditional nine! There are no special rooms or weapons so players cannot accuse other suggestions of being incorrect.
There are only six characters instead of nine, therefore there is no need to include multiple character tokens. Although the murder weapons have increased from three to six, they conveniently fit on a single card so this doesn’t affect gameplay at all.
Pros and Cons
Final Judgement
Clue: The Office Edition is a Clue game based on your favorite TV show! Players take turns rolling the die and moving around Dwight’s Dunder Mifflin office to find clues so they can figure out which of their co-workers murdered Mr. Wiggam with an umbrella in his house, while also avoiding getting caught by the suspicious security camera!
4. Clue: Game of Thrones – Best Clue Game for Fans of the Show
Cluedo: A Game of Thrones Edition is a re-invention of a classic board game with special features and new houses! Players take turns rolling the die and moving around Westeros to find clues so they can figure out which character committed murder by poison at Daenerys’ wedding, while also avoiding getting caught by the suspicious security camera!
There’s also a cheat token included where if you roll doubles, you can move any player’s piece instead of your own! On top of that, there are no weapons or murder cards so players cannot accuse other suggestions of being incorrect.
This game does not come with many pieces (which can be an advantage.) There are only six characters instead of nine, therefore there is no need to include multiple character tokens. Although the murder weapons have increased from three to six, they conveniently fit on a single card so this doesn’t affect gameplay at all.
There are also some interesting mechanics such as choosing what house to play as, or putting bounties on other players so they must pay money if they land on your house! There are also special character cards that can make gameplay more interesting.
The game is very easy to play because there are only six suspects instead of the traditional nine! There are no special rooms or weapons so players cannot accuse other suggestions of being incorrect.
This game does not come with many pieces (which can be an advantage.) There are only six characters instead of nine, therefore there is no need to include multiple character tokens. Although the murder weapons have increased from three to six, they conveniently fit on a single card so this doesn’t affect gameplay at all.
Pros and Cons
Final Judgement
Cluedo: A Game of Thrones Edition is the best Clue game for adults. It has great features, fast gameplay, and the ability to play in under an hour! If you are a fan of either show or board games I would definitely recommend this one!
5. Clue: Rick and Morty – Best for Fans of Adult Swim
Rick and Morty Clue is a quick-playing mystery game featuring fan-favorite characters from the hit TV show Rick and Morty! In this irreverent take on classic Clue, players move around familiar locations from the series collecting clues to solve a murder.
Gameplay has not changed much since classic Clue; however, it is more difficult because there are twelve characters and six murder weapons instead of nine suspects and three murder cards.
There are six murder weapons instead of three, which makes the game more difficult.
This version does not come with many pieces (which can be an advantage.) There are only twelve characters instead of nine, therefore there is no need to include multiple character tokens or special rooms or weapons so players cannot accuse other suggestions of being incorrect.
The game comes with one six-sided die and approximately 16 playing cards that serve as characters, murder weapons, and rooms. These cards are normal-sized but have very vibrant colors which make them easier to read from a distance or across the table.
The game also comes with a secrecy screen that you can put around your pieces so nobody else can see what piece is in front of you!
Pros and Cons
Final Judgement
Rick and Morty Clue Game is the best for fans of Adult Swim! The only downside to this version is that there are only twelve characters instead of nine, but it’s much faster than classic Clue.
People Also Ask
Is Clue a Game of Luck or Strategy?
Clue is not just one game but many games rolled into one. It can range from an easy, simple game to an extremely difficult and strategic game depending on the board set up. There are three different types of boards that come with each version; therefore, it really depends on how you set it up. You can even come up with your own board ideas to make the game more or less challenging!
Is Clue an Old Game?
Yes, classic Clue was first released in 1949 but there have been numerous versions since then. The last few years there has been a resurgence of new Clue games with many different themes (Harry Potter, Dungeons and Dragons) as well as an increase in the number of teams that can play. Classic Clue is still great but there are so many other versions that it may be worth checking out before buying!
How Many Players Can Play?
There has always only been six characters included in Clue, therefore it can only be played with six players. However there are some versions that allow more than six people to play (Sherlock Holmes and Game of Thrones) but these require special boards!
All Clue games are fun; however, there is a version for everyone. Many of the newer versions up the player count which allows more people to play at once and some even come with new mechanics such as card-drafting. In the end, it really depends on your preferences and what you’re looking for in a board game.